Sunday 18 January 2009

Self Evaluation

(2) Overall I have done well in objectives and the understanding of work is good. (Why do people get this confused with attendance?)

(2) Most of the time I try my best in every task, however once in a while may go off topic. Need to be more consistent.

(2) Never late to lessons but have been absent which is mainly due to exams. So not perfect.

Submission and quality of homework:
(2) Always submit homework but is not always to the highest standards but most of the time is to a good level.

Ability to work independently:
(2) I usually can work fine independently, but there is still room for improvement.

Quality of writing:
(1) Don't have any problems with the quality of my writing and think it doesn't need much changing.

Organisation of Media folder:
(3) To sum it up: average. It's in order but need to print off power-point slides and blog work.

Oral contributions in class:
(1) From the previous self-evaluation this is what I have most improved on because I try to contribute as much as possible in lessons (although not always right when i do).

Contributions to your practical production group:
(2) Mainly due to exams it hasn't been the main focus, however now is the priority for all members in the group.

Contributing in class.
Improvement on working independently.
Homework is of a better quality.

Organization of folder.
Try to put 100% effort into everything that is being taught in lesson.
Link aspects that are in the topic of the essay.

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