Props: In Van Helsing the main props are weapons such as a sword. This connotes that the film is to do with violence. Also this helps provide an idea of what kind of genre the film is. In Kung Fu Hustle thereare two props that stand out which are an axe and a pig hanging out from the top. This unlike Van Helsing shows not only a weapon as a prop. Therefore this film could be suggested as a hybrid genre. As the inclusion of the pig shows that there is a humour sie to th film. The Amityville Horror also contains a weopon but is difficult to identify what the weapon is. Also as it is one person by himself it infers that ths person enjoys inflicting pain on people and is evil. However Van Helsing suggests that they're doing it for a good purpose.
Costumes: The first poster the characters are wearing mainly black. There is not much colour which can represent that the period of time in this film is alot of darkness. In Kung Fu Hustle the three men at the top are dressed smart which suggests they may be gangsters. Therfore it could give the impression they are villains. In the third poster the guy is wearing ordinary clothes. This could suggest anone is capable of killing.
Lighting: There is alot of low key lighting inthe first poster. However there was high key lighting in the middle and it was back lighting to show the significance of the characters. In Kung Fu Hustle there was no lighting. In the third poster there was low key lighting on the sides but in the middle there is high key lighting so the audience will focus more on the middle where the character is.
Setting: Van Helsing's poster has a building with alot of cloudiness and the moon in the middle. This creates a gloomy effect as there isn't much light. This gives the impression that there is alot of adeventures throughout the film. In Kung Fu Hustle the background is yellow. This wouldn't be expected in an action film. Therfore this conntes that there is alot of humour involved in the film. The Amityville Horror poster has an image of an house and the character is shown in a hideout. This allows the audience to make assumptions that the character has found it's next victim in the house.
Actors: In the first poster the two central characters have a serious expression and are looking straight ahead. This gives the impression that are involved in something significant in the film. There are another two character who in the shadow. They don't look human this suggests that these are the challenges facing the two main characters. In Kung Fu Hustle the expressions of the characters vary. Such as the man on the floor looks like he has fell down and has a dazed look. However the three men at the top have a more serous expression. This shows the contrast of personalities and characters consisting in the film. In the last poster the character has his back to the camera. Therfore this suggests that they don't want there identity to be known. This allows the audience to be aware that the character is evil.
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